Government General Degree College, Mohanpur
Government of West Bengal, Affiliated to Vidyasagar University
Village: Srirampur, Post Office: Sialsai, Mohanpur, Paschim Medinipur, West Bengal, 721436
Strategic Plan
The institution is heavily dependent on the provision of high-quality education. Merely relying on classroom lectures delivered by professors is insufficient to promote the holistic growth of students. The acquisition of conceptual knowledge necessitates the articulation of ideas and the cultivation of effective communication abilities, encompassing both verbal and written forms. To accomplish this objective, the IQAC has established the practice of arranging Seminars as an institutional practice. During the period of the pandemic, individuals such as students, academicians, and research scholars engaged in the preparation of their presentations and actively participated in online presentations on the Google Meet platform. These presentations were conducted as part of several seminars organized by the institution. Several departments, such as Bangla and English, published Wall Magazines that provided students with a platform to showcase their creative abilities. The IQAC diligently monitors the quality of the teaching and learning process.
The IQAC has implemented the following crucial measures:
- The committee collaborates closely with the academic departments and cells/study centres of the college in order to establish and determine the most efficient methods for delivering the curriculum. A committee has been established to oversee and evaluate the teaching and learning process, infrastructure, and operational approaches, as well as the learning results, on a regular basis. Additionally, it serves a crucial function in gathering and evaluating feedback from stake holders.
- The feedback reports are subsequently examined in order to implement appropriate measures by individual teaching and non-teaching personnel. Additionally, the Action Taken Reports are closely monitored to identify any necessary modifications.
- The Committee also arranges seminars and webinars for students, as well as training programmes for both teaching and non-teaching personnel. It has successfully maintained the uninterrupted progression of the teaching and learning process, even with the challenges posed by the Covid-19 pandemic.
- The Committee has frequent meetings to assess the performance of academic departments and develop strategies to maintain uninterrupted teaching and learning processes, while also ensuring continuous development in their quality.
- The institution does an annual Internal Academic Audit to verify that every department has successfully executed all curricular, co-curricular, and extra-curricular activities, while also maintaining accurate documentation of those activities.